If located on the side of common hepatic duct tumor, often asymptomatic the beginning, when the impact to the contralateral hepatic duct openings only when the emergence of obstructive jaundice.
Results: MRCP showed clearly the normal left and right hepatic duct, common bile duct and gallbladder of 14 cases.
Is the primary hepatic duct convergence around common bile duct to the bottom of the Department of malignant extrahepatic bile duct.
Results in 11 patients, one had biliary cast in common bile duct, 3 in right intra-hepatic bile duct, 4 in left intra-hepatic bile duct, and 3 distributed in intra - and extra-hepatic bile ducts.
Results in 11 patients, one had biliary cast in common bile duct, 3 in right intra-hepatic bile duct, 4 in left intra-hepatic bile duct, and 3 distributed in intra - and extra-hepatic bile ducts.