In Common Lisp it's very powerful.
在Common Lisp中,这非常强大。
The other form is syntax, which works a lot like Common Lisp defmacro.
另一种是语法,它与Common Lisp的defmacro差不多。
Cusp is a development environment for the Common Lisp programming language.
Cusp是Common Lisp编程语言的开发环境。
Multimethods are similar to generic functions in other languages such as Common Lisp.
多重方法类似于其他语言中的一般函数,如 Common Lisp。
With no production grade Lisp that is compatible with Common Lisp or Scheme, Lisp on platform does not seem to be a viable option at this time.
此时,由于还没有兼容Common Lisp或Scheme的产品级的Lisp,在。NET平台上的Lisp似乎还不能成为可选的方案。
The map function, originating in functional languages like Lisp but now common in many other languages, is an application of a function over a list of elements.
map函数,源于功能性语言(如 Lisp)但如今在其他语言中也很常见,其中包含了一系列元素的函数的应用程序。
Derive is written in Lisp, a common programming language that is especially suited for the kind of rule-based processing necessary for transforming one abstract mathematical expression into another.
This paper gives some features in common and some differences of the two artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and PROLOG by the theory and by the mechanization.
This paper gives some features in common and some differences of the two artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and PROLOG by the theory and by the mechanization.