Sodium chloride-common table salt-is the most familiar salt;
The result of this stacking of ions is a cubical crystal of common table salt .
Wind and waves kick up spray, and bits of sodium chloride -- common table salt -- can permeate the air.
海风掀起海浪,溅起层层浪花,同时还溅起少许氯化纳。 氯化钠就是我们平常吃的食盐,在这过程中氯化钠渗透到空气中。
High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).
High rates of evaporation deposit thick layers of salt minerals, such as common table salt and gypsum (a chalky mineral that is a major component of wallboard).