If a comparison value is null, the result is unknown.
We fill in the model with imagined values on the model variables and calculate a comparison value in the dimension of the known quantity.
Note that although the example might appear to use double quotes, it actually USES two single quotes before and after the comparison value (" Gold ").
注意,虽然这个例子看上去使用了双引号,但实际上它是在比较值(“ Gold ”)前后使用了两个单引号。
There are only three illustrious compositions of main object, reference object and comparison value in its semantic structure besides the meaning of "comparison".
The new value comparison operators will report an error if either operand in the comparison contains more than one value, so using them expedites detection of the error.
However, all the logical and comparison operators consistently return the value 1 for true.
Like the previous set of test operators, comparison test operators are a handy way to perform error checking or to test values against another value.
Nevertheless, a comparison of the two snapshots masks the destruction of value since the crisis began.
By doing this prioritization and comparison with your manager, you clarify the value of each activity regarding the overall project schedule.
Attempting to check the data type when matching a pattern or in a value comparison.
Column content also addresses structural consistency, but not value consistency, which requires a focal point of comparison, or timeliness, which requires a reference point.
You can use value comparison operators for inequality with any type of data that has an order, such as the time-oriented types.
For example, the template might perform a value comparison on an incoming parameter against a value of a known type.
The le operator in the last element below is an example of a value comparison operator.
This example also shows the new value comparison operators (see the next section for more details), and an IfExpr nested within a ForExpr.
It showed that both the number and value of contracts awarded during the first half of this year had declined in comparison with the same period in 2006.
Notice that the codepoints-to-string example also uses two of the new XPath value comparison operators: lt (less than) and gt (greater than).
If you know that a book has at most one price element, you can write the query using XQuery value comparisons, which force the comparison operands to be singletons.
Add loanAmount content type and select is greater than comparison, input the value as 10000.
The eq and ne seen here are value comparison operators.
Select is greater than comparison, enter the value as 10000, and ServiceProviderAssertion as Internal in the Contract TAB.
Filter by value: Displays items based on a comparison with the specified value.
A careful study of all these figures and a comparison of the movements of various stocks will convince you of their value.
Numeric methods and rich comparison methods may return this value if they do not implement the operation for the operands provided.
Note that the join predicate on the author ID does not contain a literal value that would indicate the data type of the comparison.
You weigh the value of other truths in comparison with your own.
Proposed value of safety factor is given after comparison among calculation result and several methods used abroad.
Proposed value of safety factor is given after comparison among calculation result and several methods used abroad.