But thou, o Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
Thee quality in a work of literature or art that arouses the reader's feelings of pity, sorrow, or compassion for a character.
悲怅:文学艺术作品的一种引发读者怜悯,同情或伤感的特质。 鄍。
In Malaysia there is going to be an art exhibition in which leading artists are going to be taking people, young people, and showing them that compassion also lies at the root of all art.
All of the work that I do points us towards honoring the qualities of the sacred feminine (which lives in both men and women) - such as compassion, art, beauty, nurturance, and community.
I looked at people with deep compassion, I looked about my home town and the beauty of it's architecture, it's art and it's sense of culture.
I looked at people with deep compassion, I looked about my home town and the beauty of it's architecture, it's art and it's sense of culture.