In application for Visas J-1 and J-2, a certificate from the competent department.
申请J - 1、J - 2字签证,须有主管部门的证明。
To the laundry room, laundry room manager and the competent department about the problem of equipment failure to report.
Parties to the venture, competent department, State's competent department in charge of industry and commerce administration.
Article 2 the competent department for tourism, tourism operators and tourists in Special Zone shall observe these regulations.
The competent department of labor shall take charge of protecting employed minors according to relevant law, regulations and these measures.
Upon the maturity of online issuance of the certificates, the approval certificates will be issued by the local competent department by proxy.
If the said department fails to do so, the audit institution shall refer the matter to the competent department for disposition according to law.
Under this background, the issue on employment education is a key topic to confront for higher school and education competent department in China.
This essay discusses its necessity and feasibility, and suggests that the competent department adopt active measures to promote the combination of both.
For persons to whom disciplinary actions are not applicable, the secrecy administrative department shall urge the competent department to deal with them.
The district road competent department shall supervise and guide the maintenance, reparation and management of the roads mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
The competent department shall process the application within 2 months of receipt of the application and a dumping permit shall be granted to those approved to dump.
No units, vessels, aircraft, platforms and other means of transportation are permitted to dump wastes into the ocean without the approval of the competent department.
Article 44 the competent department in charge of electric power shall guarantee the power supply for railway traction and critical loads arising in railway operation.
Parties to the venture, competent department, State's competent department in charge of industry and commerce administration. Limited liability company. Registered capital.
Article 3 the competent department of communications at each level shall strengthen its supervision and administration of the highway project design modification activities.
Article 38 the competent department of city planning administration may participate in the checking and acceptance of important development projects within a planned urban area.
Article 38. The competent department of city planning administration may participate in the checking and acceptance of important development projects within a planned urban area.
Article 9 the municipal competent department shall establish social public standard instruments of measurement as the criterion to unify the measurement result according to needs.
To the entry and exit biological products and blood products used in other field, the certificate for approval of import issued by corresponding competent department should be provided.
The competent department enforces management of trade to passenger transport by water activities; makes business guide and coordinates the relations with other management departments.
Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.
The personnel department is seeking for competent persons.
The personnel department is seeking for competent persons.