The aim of any undergraduate curriculum is to produce graduates who have the knowledge and skills required to enable them to become competent members of the medical fraternity.
"More-dominant individuals achieved influence in their groups in part because they were seen as more competent by fellow group members, " Anderson and Kilduff write.
The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitration that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.
Family members claim that he criticised the son for not being involved with, or competent at, male pursuits as he grew up.
When he was asked how he chose members of his team, Mr Jobs said he always looked for bright and competent people.
The Championship was recognized as the US National Singles Championship for men and only members would be competent to play.
I realized after acquiring competent staff members that I had been wasting my time with chores that weren't on my list of passionate things.
The members of this arbitration association are professionally competent, and in a position to arbitrate that sort of case arising from the quality inspection of the medical equipment.
Leading members of the competent organs in charge of law enforcement shall attend the meetings to listen to comments and answer inquiries.
In addition, our workers and internal staff members are competent, hard-working as well as skillful.
In addition, our workers and internal staff members are competent, hard-working as well as skillful.