We have prepared a competitive bid.
Prices reflect competitive bid or discounted list prices.
Now you may be invited back to bid again and win the house you had your heart set on, perhaps because competitive bidders have bid low, too.
The company did not reveal details of its bid, or how much it would charge for the installation, because the project is still in the competitive bidding stage.
If you wish to participate in the movement of IKEA cargo distribution in this exciting project, we are looking forward to your response along with your competitive bid.
Auctions need competitive collectors, and no one wanted to bid against the royal family in Qatar.
Some fret about the growing tendency for private-equity groups to club together to bid for large companies—is that anti-competitive behaviour or simply a wise effort to spread risk?
Virgin Atlantic warned that the deal was anti-competitive, as it confirmed that it too had lodged a bid for bmi.
It is up to the buyer to bid and the seller to offer within a competitive market.
In a competitive electricity market with demand side bidding, demand side can bid strategically to obtain the maximum gain and influence market equilibrium.
Bid is a main way for using competitive mechanism in shipbuilding, so bid evaluation as the component of bid system is very important.
Risk is an important factor in the bid calculation process of contractors, which often takes place in a short time frame and in a competitive market environment.
It is critical to make a competitive price and improve the probability of winning bid for bidding price decision-making.
The bid shows that Huawei has high-end technologies in its portfolio as well as cost competitive ones, Mr. Wong said.
In evaluating closed-bid competitive procurement auctions, the most crucial issue is to determine the probability of placing a winning bid for a given markup level.
In evaluating closed-bid competitive procurement auctions, the most crucial issue is to determine the probability of placing a winning bid for a given markup level.