A failed conversion here will result in a compile time error.
With this implementation, you get neat compile time error messages.
Because you're configuring real-world objects, you get some compile time error checking.
This incompatibility between platforms is particularly dangerous as it might cause programs to return wrong results rather than causing a compile-time error.
Listing 2 shows a piece of code that results in a compile-time error because the copy constructor is private.
The type-safety feature will provide for much earlier error detection at compile time, rather than at run time with the standard JPQL constructs.
类型安全功能将提供在编译时的早期错误检测,而不是使用标准JPQL 构建时的运行时检测。
Comparing tuples of unequal lengths results in a compile-time error.
Creating a custom plug-in for Perl or Python code that lets you compile sources from within the editor, and then positions the cursor on the error may help save a lot of development time.
On top of that, we introduced the new Codan static analysis framework as optional component to provide semantic error reports ahead of compile time.
You will have a compile-time error something like: "The nested type Person cannot hide an enclosing type".
否则将会导致一个编译时间错误,如 “该嵌套类型Person无法隐藏封闭类型”。
So if you misspelled "secret" in the above example, or tried to call a method on it that did not exist, you would get a compile-time error.
A dynamic object is assumed at compile time to support any operation, and only at runtime will you get an error if it wasn't so.
The ideal time to catch an error is at compile time, before you even try to run the program.
In order for the command-line compiler to find the runtime error with -f, you must compile the program with all the same command-line parameters you used the first time you compiled it.
为了命令行编译器能用- F选项查找运行期间错误,你必须传递与第一次编译时相同的指令列表。
If there is no default constructor, then there is a compile-time error: the object must be given an explicit initializer.
It is a compile-time error for a single ElementType constant to appear more than once in a Target annotation. For example, the following meta-annotation is illegal.
For example, if no class Foo exists, an error will be generated at compile time for the first version.
If client code tries to instantiate your class by using a type that is not allowed by a constraint, the result is a compile-time error.
Using any of the other three forms of cast in this case would result in a compile-time error.
In fast mode, a compile-time error will be generated if you attempt to assign a value to a read-only identifier.
Implicit conversions succeed only when the process loses no data; otherwise they fail and generate a compile or run-time error.
If you attempt to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.
If you attempt to use an undeclared variable name, an error occurs at compile time.