This level of flexibility provides a good compromise, allowing fully compiled applications to run in process.
That's the power of embedded scripting: you take the speed of compiled applications and provide the extensible power of dynamic scripting.
This provides an easy way to deploy (upload to a server) compiled applications, and because only compiled files are deployed, the source code is protected.
Applications that depend on those relationships will fail when compiled on a 64-bit platform.
This allows applications compiled against an older version of a given library to run against a new version of the same library.
After you have compiled the stored procedure (and optionally stored it in a JAR file), and moved to a particular location, you can register that stored procedure so that applications can reference it.
A new class of applications has arisen. These are native applications that are compiled for a specific platform but that use Web technologies for the user interface.
Native applications are those created with a platform's SDK, then compiled and installed to a device.
IOS, the operating system used by the iPhone, is built upon a UNIX core and applications for iOS are compiled using GCC, the same compiler used by the majority of UNIX systems.
The code behind class gets compiled into the main dll for the assembly, and it along with all the other dlls in the applications bin directory get shadow copied to the Temporary ASP.NET files.
Automation applications are often compiled to native code and therefore execute faster than VBA code.
Rt applications can also derive an important benefit from AOT-compiled code: more-deterministic performance that exceeds interpreted performance.
Performance Increase - A few 64-bit applications that have been compiled to take advantage of 64-bit integers and the additional registers available will yield a performance increase.
Based on several years of experience evaluating custom Notes applications to diagnose performance-related issues, we've compiled the most common properties that can affect application performance.
We at Bit Rebels understand that need and have compiled a list of 6 popular applications that can help you.
They can't dive into compiled Flash applications.
This method has been compiled into a computer programme to facilitate field applications.
This method has been compiled into a computer programme to facilitate field applications.