A posterior malleolar fracture is seen on the lateral projection (FIG. 6b), establishing a complete (stage IV) injury.
Methods Hemisections were performed on reserved canals of incomplete tooth fracture, complete root fracture and furcation involvement after root canal therapy.
The presence of a medial malleolar fracture (FIG. 4d), establishes this to be a complete injury, a supination-lateral rotation stage IV.
To observe the influence of repeated manipulative reductions on periosteal injury after fracture, experimental complete transverse fracture was made in bilateral femoral shafts of 6 cadavers.
Smaller injury, complete decompression, and less destruction for stability of spinal are the advantages of anterolateral decompression for thoracolumbar spinal fracture with paraplegia.
Calcaneus the bone fracture is the clinical most common one kind of tarsal bone bone fracture, approximately composes the complete tarsal bone bone fracture 60%.
When the treatment is complete and the fracture closes, the etched surface provides a high-conductivity path from the reservoir to the wellbore.
The 30-year-old center played just five games over the past two seasons and has determined that he is unable to make a complete recovery from stress fracture in his left ankle and tendon strain.
To explore the necessity of the anterior approach operation in the treatment of complete paraplegia due to bursting fracture of thoracolumbar vertebral body.
Fracture structure is of complete evolution.
Anterior route decompression of the nerve roots was reported in 68 patients of complete injury of spinal cord caused by the fracture or fracture-dislocation of the cervical spine.
Conclusion the surgical treatment was referred to the impending fracture, complete fracture, location, extent of involvement of the lesion in the proximal femur.
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of preserving the lower first molar with complete vertical fracture.
Colles' fracture: Dorsal splint or complete cast during the first 10 days?
Distribution of Q value of the Tanlu fracture zone shown that medium intensity of the Yinshu zone isn't complete.
As an example, the results for mild steel indicate that the complete-fracture criterion derived in this article could be better to explain the experimental results given by and Chen et al.
As an example, the results for mild steel indicate that the complete-fracture criterion derived in this article could be better to explain the experimental results given by and Chen et al.