I completed the test within the time allotted.
In November 2015, the Netherlands completed a 229-foot-long bike path paved with solar panels as a test for future projects.
If the unit test cases cannot be successfully completed, either due to bugs in the application or the lack of unit test code, then the application should not be accepted for performance testing.
To run the completed test, you need to create a schedule and a user group for the test.
Teams need to segregate which tests should be automated and which are to be manually completed, document testing procedures, and train the test teams.
This becomes a problem for more pesky items such as files and database tables, where if you need to modify the state you must be extra careful to cleanup your tracks after the test is completed.
Once it checks and makes sure that all test case execution is completed inside each WPAR, it can start the next test case.
一旦它检查并确保所有测试案例都在每个WPAR 内部完成,它就可以开始下一个测试案例了。
What was different were simply the circumstances under which the two groups of participants completed a memory test.
If there is a test run or a test cycle that would identify a specific test to be completed in shorter durations or more frequent test phases, consider using test suites to track the effort.
In this report, you see how many users completed, how long the test took to execute, how many calls were executed, and how many calls were successful.
Figure 21 shows the log and the completed test.
Sometimes, largely because of staffing problems, it is difficult to thoroughly test all completed work.
Recently Boeing completed a successful test program in which employees with chronic conditions were invited to participate in what’s called a medical home program.
Recently Boeing completed a successful test program in which employees with chronic conditions were invited to participate in what's called a medical home program.
The default Overall Performance Report will indicate when the test has completed.
This test can also be completed by mixing equal parts honey and methylated spirits (denatured alcohol).
Run and test the completed application
Figure 6: Changes versus testing completed by build using targeted test methods.
After the infrastructure specialist completed the daily build, the test manager would then validate the repaired defect and update the ClearQuest record accordingly.
When you have made some progress developing modules and components using IBM WebSphere Integration Developer, you'll probably want to test what you have completed.
First, to install the Rational Test RealTime integration for Rhapsody, you completed these steps.
首先,为了安装RationalTestRealTimeintegrationfor Rhapsody,您可以完成以下步骤。
HB-SIA completed its first test flight in April this year, flying for 87 minutes at a height of 1, 200m.
太阳能飞机HB - SIA今年4月已经完成了首次试飞,当时在1200米的高空持续飞行87分钟。
Once the download is completed, you can setup an emulator to test drive Android on your computer.
Then they completed a test which specifically measures attachment style in relationships (those styles include: secure, fearful, preoccupied and dismissing.)
If you drill down into the test execution, you should find that the test completed successfully.
After watching the videos, both groups completed a memory test.
When your test scenario has completed, stop the recording, and the test script will be generated.
Now that we have completed the required configuration and development, let's test the application.
The following steps will need to be completed to apply the patch and test the sample.
The following steps will need to be completed to apply the patch and test the sample.