Mr. Li continued, "Together with the completion of our acquisition of Digital Media Group earlier this year, this contract helps to solidify our leadership position on subway systems nationally.
Completion of the testing moves the Commercial Broadband Satellite Program (CBSP) Unit Level Variant (ULV) contract into the initial production phase.
This contract is a labor contract based on the completion of work to some extent. From Date Month Year to Date Month Year.
Upon the completion of the performance of the Outsourcing Business contract, the Outsourcing Imported Goods shall be returned overseas.
The contract binds you to completion of the work within two years.
Where the employing unit and the laborer have reached a consensus after consultation, they may conclude a labor contract where the term of service equals to the period of completion of a certain task.
This procedure is developed to provide a step-by-step methodology that addresses the terms and conditions of the contracts and any required completion or exit criteria for contract closure.
Clause 11 testing - all testing requirements, both on completion of the Design-Build and prior to completion of the Contract are now covered in this Clause.
We undertake to inform Huatai of any material alteration to those facts before completion of the contract of insurance.
Article 20 the term of a Labour contract shall be divided into fixed term, flexible term or taking the completion of a specific amount of work as a term.
The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price.
Later in the contract, when calendar dates can be put against the start and completion of construction, the type plan is expanded or contracted and becomes calendar based.
A true copy of fax advising the Buyer of shipment within 48 hours after completion of the shipment of the contract goods as specified in clause 15 to the contract.
Under the six-week Get a Skill, Get a Job training programs participants will sign a contract agreeing to full attendance and completion of assigned work.
在六周的名称为“获得技能就找到工作”培训课程中, 参加者要求全勤出席并完成所分配的任务。
A gratuity may be granted upon satisfactory completion of the full contract period with consistently high standard of performance and conduct.
A gratuity may be granted upon satisfactory completion of the contract with consistently high standard of performance and conduct.
This contract consists of total Twenty two (22) Articles, and is considered Valid from the Date of Signing by Buyer and Seller through completion of execution of its Terms and Conditions.
The remaining amount according to the seller of goods production planning, grant pay award knot, each batch of goods, see the shipping notice payment, until the completion of the contract.
Rental charges owed upon cancellation of the contract are computed on a prorated basis over the course of the semester until the completion of check-out procedures.
Such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with Article 19 of these Rules.
Such contract may be renewed upon expiration after the completion of clearance process in accordance with Article 19 of these Rules.