You may be in the Completion Stage as stability and security reign and you enjoy each other and the life you have created.
The completion of a portfolio assessment provides the foundation for the next stage of the implementation of portfolio management practices.
In fact, forms are often considered to be the last and most important stage of the journey to the completion of goals.
The prototype may be at different levels of completion depending on the number of alpha and beta reviews planned for the next stage.
Portfolio Manager is an enterprise application that tracks projects though the initial proposal stage all the way though completion and ongoing maintenance.
This paper discusses construction project cost control on cost control in the stage of construction and completion settlement.
Later on, Ludwig carried his business to a new stage of development: He got another tanker designed, Before the keel was even laid, a common carrier was persuaded to charter it after its completion.
This machine adopts double-press-bed design, that is, the completion of A-Bed glued into the Cooling Stage, B-bed operation can be glued.
The contractor provided integrated construction solutions from the technical proposals presented at tender stage - with direct contribution of all sectors involved in the completion of components.
Work on the second stage is already under way and the whole site is scheduled for completion at the end of 2015.
Many of you are in your advanced stage of Mastery, and have attended the Mystery Schools of Earth far more times than you may realize. And now is the time of completion.
At the completion of this stage students are required to submit their detailed written business plans.
The completion of the second generation of the machine made Xie Molin's creation work on the automatic drawing machine temporarily come to an end of a stage.
Endpoint of the procedure was a non-inducibility of AF at any stage or completion of all three-ablation stages.
With our focus set on completion, in addition to results, we can complete a stage in our life and career.
The Southern Access Road and the public transport interchange are in an advanced stage of construction and will be opened in early 2002 to coincide with the completion of the Cyberport building.
The Southern Access Road and the public transport interchange are in an advanced stage of construction and will be opened in early 2002 to coincide with the completion of the Cyberport building.