Compliance is often seen as complex, costly, and as not contributing significantly to the bottom line — just one more thing to do.
This is a notoriously complex specification, to the extent that more than two years after approval there are still only a handfull of parsers on any platform that come close to full compliance.
For example, patient compliance with leprosy treatment took a huge leap forward when complex regimens were conveniently simplified through the introduction of blister packs.
Because achieving and managing compliance can be a complex and costly journey, the temptation is to look for ready-made solutions.
The new software challenges that organizations face today are generated by complex systems, geographically distributed development, and regulatory compliance requirements.
Governance, risk management and compliance platforms take a broad and complex series of business tasks and whittle them down to a central point of focus for the enterprise.
The filter for medication compliance is much less complex; it simply checks to see if the compliance MedMonitor intermediate object field is true.
You would also be in charge of software programmes including evaluation of complex software system to ensure product features and operation compliance.
Key blanks production means a complex mixture of several different technologies and articulated production where logistic flows are mastered in compliance with "lean manufacturing" principles.
The increasingly complex compliance-based regulatory environment presents significant challenges for international education providers. Holding Redlich can help you manage these challenges.
The increasingly complex compliance-based regulatory environment presents significant challenges for international education providers. Holding Redlich can help you manage these challenges.