The final bar denotes the total time taken to complete the composite Web service invocation.
You can combine Web services with base functions to form a composite Web service application.
In the case of a composite Web service invocation, multiple bars represent the response time of each endpoint.
Since WSDL supports the schema specification, REST and SOAP can co-exist as requests from a composite Web service application to an external Web service.
The Tax Web service is then incorporated into the composite billing function in the first SOA.
You can reuse a core internal Web service with other core and higher-level Web services to build composite applications.
You can use the combined functionality in a Web service SIMM to communicate with and supplement simple, composite, virtualized, and dynamically reconfigurable services of the model.
You then exposed your system as a Web service and used a second SCA composite to invoke that service.
Let's assume a Web service sends a request to combine the outsourced Web service in the second SOA with the composite application in the first SOA.
The IBM solution delivers composite services by making use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web service technologies.
IBM解决方案通过使用面向服务的体系结构(Service Oriented Architecture,SOA)和Web 服务技术交付组合服务。
Composite applications work the same way as Portal applications, and they use the same development architecture as Web services and Service-Oriented Architectures.
Composite applications work the same way as Portal applications, and they use the same development architecture as Web services and Service-Oriented Architectures.