DXT compressed textures can be prevented for download on a device which doesn't support it.
Some images are prone to visual artifacts in the alpha channels of PVRT-compressed textures.
Some images are prone to visual artifacts in the alpha channels of PVRT-compressed textures.
Compressed textures require only a fraction of memory bandwidth compared to full blown 32bit RGBA textures.
压缩纹理仅使用未压缩32位的RG BA纹理所需的内存带宽的一小部分。
Compressed textures use only a fraction of the memory bandwidth needed for uncompressed 32bit RGBA textures.
压缩纹理占用的存储带宽只有未压缩的32位RG BA纹理的一小部分。
Compressed textures use only a fraction of the memory bandwidth needed for uncompressed 32bit RGBA textures.
压缩纹理仅使用未压缩32位的RG BA纹理所需的内存带宽的一小部分。
Compressed textures use only a fraction of the memory bandwidth needed for uncompressed 32bit RGBA textures.
压缩后的纹理所占用的内存带宽只相当于未压缩的32位RG ba纹理的一小部分。
Using Compressed textures will decrease the size of your textures (resulting in faster load times and smaller memory footprint) and can also dramatically increase rendering performance.
Rectangular textures can not be compressed to PVRTC formats.
Use compressed texture formats when possible, otherwise prefer 16bit textures over 32bit.
Diffuse, specular, emission textures or light maps will be compressed into PVR4 format.
Diffuse, specular, emission textures or light maps will be compressed and gamma corrected (2.2) mipmaps will be created for them.
Diffuse, specular, emission textures or light maps will be compressed and gamma corrected (2.2) mipmaps will be created for them.