I feel no compunction in doing it.
They have no compunction in selling us out, and our freedom, to accomplish their goals.
We shall have no compunction in throwing overboard our ancient manners, nor any in emulating their lack of courtesy.
Mr Linton stood looking at her in sudden compunction and fear. He told me to fetch some water.
Not so my companion: she ran back in terror, knelt down, and cried, and soothed, and entreated, till he grew quiet from lack of breath: by no means from compunction at distressing her.
By the grace of Providence I have never had a headache in my life, nor a moment of compunction for interrupted school studies.
In fact, I have some compunction, but now feel very good! I'm laughing!
Life in the college is colourful and bright, which predicate that when you recall it many years later, there is so many nice memory in your mind and nothing to compunction.
At that time his compunction, had nothing to say in reply very much to own family member, this mood I was very can understand.
My heart in the pain, the apology cannot be throwing off with the compunction, perhaps is doomed to perhaps me is a person, for a lifetime a person.
He had no compunction about interfering in her private affairs.
Applying the vector representation of formula for definite proportional division point in vector algebra, this paper obtains a new useful method of compunction for segment ratio in volume ratio.
The player who dived against The Mighty Andorra, and had no compunction about diving to earn a penalty in the Champions League final in Istanbul.
Generally, people in the fashion world feel a compunction to dress up in some way that represents the values they want associated with their brand, much in the way politicians do.
But whenever it was possible to send a house-serf for a soldier in place of a peasant, he did so without the smallest compunction.
But whenever it was possible to send a house-serf for a soldier in place of a peasant, he did so without the smallest compunction.