Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction (ICAI) is one of the application modes in CAI. It is based on the artificial intelligence science, cognitive science and thought science.
Based on network environment's under classroom instruction is in the tradition classroom instruction foundation, USES the computer network technology development the teaching activity.
Computer based 3d face model has been widely used in many fields, such as virtual reality, computer aided instruction, teleconference, HCI, computer game, movie making, etc.
The project trains volunteer teachers to teach especially women and rural inhabitants, and introduces computer based literacy and numeracy instruction into existing schools and five prisons.
On the one hand, computer based education and computer aided instruction are the very important domains of the computer applications;
According to the characteristic of package structure design course, this article has designed the computer aided instruction courseware suitable for teaching, which is based on the grid model.
According to the characteristic of package structure design course, this article has designed the computer aided instruction courseware suitable for teaching, which is based on the grid model.