As computer-generated imagery has become cheaper and more sophisticated, the film industry can now convincingly recreate people on-screen even actors who have been dead for decades.
The art Department instead redesigned the aliens to be realized by animatronic masks rather than by computer-generated imagery.
But it's secretly got that other side to it, which is: 'Well, they're not really acting, and it's all about the CGI (computer-generated imagery).
His imaginative combination of computer-generated imagery, video, music and stagecraft with his unique vision of future life is creatively unique and unequalled within the performing arts.
There is no computer generated imagery and no blue screens - everything you see in this series will be real.
Using high-end computer generated imagery that makes up 50% of the film, this film reveals the incredible stories behind these structures and the inventions that have driven them higher.
Using high-end computer generated imagery that makes up 50% of the film, this film reveals the incredible stories behind these structures and the inventions that have driven them higher.