Scheduling in the discrete events system is an important research area in computer science.
A very important responsibility of any operational software is the scheduling of jobs to be handled by a computer system.
DING W, GUO r, li p, et al. Sectional realtime scheduling algorithm based on system load and its implementation [J]. Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, 2009, 30 (3) : 569-572.
丁万夫,郭锐锋,李培楠,等。面向系统负载的分段式实时调度算法及其实现[J]。小型微型计算机系统,2009,30 3:569- 572。
NIU Y, DAI G, MU D, et al. Design and implementation of selfadaptation scheduling algorithm for open realtime system[J]. Computer Science, 2008,35(9):59-61.
(牛云,戴冠中, 慕德俊,等。基于反馈控制的开放式实时系统自适调度算法设计与实现[J]。计算机科学,2008,35(9):59-61。
NIU Y, DAI G, MU D, et al. Design and implementation of selfadaptation scheduling algorithm for open realtime system[J]. Computer Science, 2008,35(9):59-61.
(牛云,戴冠中, 慕德俊,等。基于反馈控制的开放式实时系统自适调度算法设计与实现[J]。计算机科学,2008,35(9):59-61。