There must be a problem with the computing system.
But any computing system can have unforeseen events, such as hardware failures.
So for a university based cloud computing system to be economically viable, it requires a proper scheduling mechanism to monitor demand and allocate the system resources.
For availability, this computing system was a redundant design, with two sets of processors and buses and the ability to switch between a master and a slave if the master was found to be unresponsive.
The new administrative agent topology enables you to manage multiple base profiles efficiently on a single computing system.
This rugged computing system is designed to fill several roles in air and land vehicles.
The computing system – the tiniest fabricated to date – is a prototype of an implantable eye pressure monitor for glaucoma patients.
The IBM 1130 system was a popular computing system that focused on lower-cost markets.
IBM 1130系统是一款专注于低成本市场的流行计算系统。
Researcher said it is the first true millimeter-scale complete computing system.
The System S architecture represents a significant advancement in the relationship between queries and data as well as in computing system organization and capability.
The only quantum computing system available to buy—priced at $10 million—lacks memory and works like a pre-von Neumann computer.
Virtualisation creates a lot of complexity, to which Cisco has found an answer, says Robert Lloyd, who heads the group that has developed what Cisco calls the “unified computing system”.
已开发出了思科称之为“统一计算系统”(UnifiedComputing System)的小组负责人RobertLloyd表示,服务器虚拟化提出了许多复杂的难题,而思科已找到答案。
Before we dive into Apache Hadoop, we will give a brief introduction to the structure of the cloud computing system.
The system can also be used as a cloud computing system, accessing information through a Web browser.
The value of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) (See Resources) as a modern approach to integrating computing system components is widely recognised.
作为集成计算系统组件的一种现代方法,面向服务的体系结构(Service - Oriented Architecture,SOA)的价值得到了广泛的认可(请参阅参考资料)。
Anderson used Amazon's cloud computing system to set up millions of "monkeys" (which are actually simple computer programs) that randomly bang out nine-character combinations.
Reconfigurable hardware unit is the kernel element of the reconfigurable computing system, which could be configured into diverse hardware logic to achieve multiple functions and applications.
At first, an architecture model and an executing model of MPRS are developed to build a complete computing system as the basic research platform.
The memory 41 may store data and sequences of instructions that are executed by the CPU 31, or any other device included in the computing system 300.
In recent years, the managerial approach based on Policy makes the realization that contains the Autonomic Computing system possible.
It provides a convenient environment for the development and execution of programs and attempts to schedule computational activities to ensure good performance of the computing system.
The model functional system is composed of inquiry system, computing system.
A particular computing system including the work it does and the people who manage it, operate it, apply it to problems, service it, and use the results it produces.
By comparing this model with the traditional computing system model, analyze their similarities and differences, which is important for grid study.
Task scheduling is an important component of grid computing system.
One answer is to use an artificial neural network, a computing system that can learn on its own.
Wearable computer is a sort of new conceptual personal mobile computing system which has great practical potential, it is very significant to study the supporting software of wearable computer.
Balancing the load in a distributed computing system is a popular research in the area of distributed systems from 70 '.
Data broadcasting is to improve the mobile computing system scalability an important technology, this paper, a real-time data broadcast model.
The combination of programming techniques and special machine features that permits a given computing system to execute programs written for another system.