The technology, however, will compete with large concentrating solar power plants, Collins said.
The amount of power generated by a concentrating solar power plant depends on the amount of direct sunlight.
Concentrating solar power (CSP) involves using arrays of mirrors to focus large amounts of sunlight onto a small area.
集中式太阳能发电技术(Concentrating solar power,CSP)需要用到镜子的阵列来把大量的阳光集中到一小块区域内。
Concentrating solar power is a proven technology that could supply enough electricity to power the whole of Europe.
Concentrating solar power devices focus or concentrate the thermal energy of the sun to drive a generator or heat engine.
Concentrating solar power, or solar thermal, involves using the sun's energy to create heat that can be turned into electricity.
And as CPV requires less photovoltaic material than traditional photovoltaic technology, it likewise requires less water than concentrating solar power systems.
Egypt is also a participant in a proposed CTF co-financed regional program to scale up concentrating solar power plants in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Concentrating Solar at Nevada Solar One near Las Vegas, oil piped down long rows of reflectors soaks up focused sunlight, becoming hot enough to make steam and run a 64-megawatt power plant.
Today, the Department of Energy offered a $2.1 billion conditional commitment loan guarantee to support a concentrating solar thermal power plant near Blythe, California.
Massive concentrating solar plants give deserts a futuristic feel and promise thousands of megawatts to power cities.
Massive concentrating solar plants give deserts a futuristic feel and promise thousands of megawatts to power cities.