Cracks design of reinforced concrete structure focuses on the cracks caused by temperature and shrinkage stress which is traditionally controlled through "resistance" and "relieving".
The paper studies the simplification calculation method of concrete shrinkage and the calculation of temperature and shrinkage stress that takes the effects of concrete creep into account.
The change of the components leads to high temperature stress, as well as remarkable shrinkage and deformation; also, its characteristics induce friability and fissility of concrete.
The large shrinkage stress and thermal stress induced by ineffective measures for concrete curing and temperature insulation are the main causes at middle and later stages.
Marly crack and deterioration of many bridge deck overlays have been attributed to the traffic load, nature factor and high thermal or shrinkage stress development in the concrete.
The tensile stress induced by restrained thermal and autogenous shrinkage deformations was the main driving force of cracking in concrete at early age.
The mathematic expressions of temperature stress and dry shrinkage stress are deduced. The time-varying model based on multiple factors of concrete face stress is established.
The mathematic expressions of temperature stress and dry shrinkage stress are deduced. The time-varying model based on multiple factors of concrete face stress is established.