The ammonia circulates through a condenser and then an evaporator, where it provides the cooling, before being reabsorbed by the water.
The feed-water from the condenser coming down the vessel and out through to the core.
This paper gives methods of determining the optimum vacuum of condenser that takes account of the save on cooling water, the methods can help reduce costs and environ.
The condenser is a series of pipes, and when steam hits them, it turns to water.
The main products are: series compressors, various semi-closed refrigeration system, cooling fan, condenser, water cooling condenser and various spare parts.
In the condenser, which is a large surface-type heat exchanger, the steam is condensed by transferring its latent heat of vaporization to the cooling water (CW).
The condenser is a heat equipment, the evaporator absorbs heat with heat input power of compressor transformation with the transfer of the cooling medium ( such as water or air ).
Many power plants at coast area use seawater as condenser cooling water with the increasing demand of electric power and the shortage of fresh water.
Condenser: vapor of the refrigerant from the generator is cooled down by the cooling water running in the heat transfer tubes of the condenser thus becoming condensate after condensation.
The condenser will be supplied with perforated water trays from pp, for the distribution of the recycled mother liquor.
In the existing 300mw steam turbine condenser performance curve, the cavitation in water ring vacuum pump is not taken account, so the curve can't exactly reflect the operation state of condenser.
Cyclic spray of condensing water not only extends continuing operation period of portable air conditioners (PACs), but also strengthens heat transfer performance of condenser.
Ruian City Jiacheng auto parts factory mainly produces 6480 and well-being of all the electrical, water fans, the condenser fan series.
The utilized method was to transform the parallel operation of circulating water via condenser to series operation.
The model of cocurrent multi-effect evaporation with extra vapor elicitation and condenser water flash is established. A computer-aided calculating method is presented.
Based on real time data of condenser and circulating water system, the net power increment of an unit was calculated in different operation styles of circulating water pump.
To reduce resistance from the suction section of pump, the water pump must be installed at the condenser inlet of air conditioner.
Ammoniac Corrosion of condenser copper tubes is the major cause of condenser leakage and copper content in boiler feed water.
Cooling water is supplied to the main condenser via a dedicated wet cooling tower system.
Then taking the domestic 300MW steam turbine condenser as example, the effect of steam turbine load and cooling water temperature on cavitation surplus are calculated.
The condenser leakage detection is a technology used to detect condenser leakage position and leakage rate from the external cooling water source.
The design of the condenser is discussed and the selection of water ring vacuum pump is also introduced.
Makes a technical and economic analysis on heat recovery from circulating water of the condenser of turbines with heat pumps.
The manufacturing of distilled water is completed by using condenser.
The corrosion condition of brass tubes used in condenser in recycle cooling water system with AC impedance was explored.
They also say that the electricity needed to pump the sea water to the condenser can be produced by windmills.
They also say that the electricity needed to pump the sea water to the condenser can be produced by windmills.