These are the people that conditional cash transfer programs are designed to help.
From 2005 to 2009, the Bank approved 16 conditional cash transfer programs in 10 countries.
It is not clear whether a conditional cash transfer program could work in the United States.
Some readers asked whether society as a whole reaps benefits from conditional cash transfer programs.
If conditional cash transfer programs are to work properly, many more schools and health clinics are needed.
The research indicates that conditional cash transfer programs in Mexico and Brazil do keep people healthier, and keep kids in school.
One of them, a conditional cash transfer that is supposed to help compensate for reduced fuel subsidies, was the largest programme of its kind in the world.
Conditional cash transfer or nutritious school meal programs can be targeted and effective at a relatively low cost, even of less than one percent of a country's GDP.
Safety net programs - school feeding programs, nutrition, conditional cash transfer projects, like those in Mexico and Brazil, cash for work - can blunt the worst effects of this crisis.
For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.
For skeptics who believe that social programs never work in poor countries and that most of what's spent on them gets stolen, conditional cash transfer programs offer a convincing rebuttal.