One config file can include another.
Next, look at your kernel config file.
A config file defines those files and actions.
Listing 12. Example text from config file.
The contents of the config file is shown below.
Listing 3 shows two lines from the xorg.conf config file.
清单3给出了xorg. conf配置文件的两行内容。
Listing 4 shows the necessary code to place in your config file.
You will define the required constants and require the config file.
The config file is then piped through gnuplot to generate the image file.
One good procedure is to put the changes into the config file as comments.
Assume the config file is a file located somewhere on the UNIX filesystem.
Maybe the new version's config file needs slight, or even heavy, tweaking.
This will create a new config file under ~/.imploaderrc. Open it with gedit
For any changes in the config file to take effect, you must rebuild and boot your kernel.
The VirtualHost section within the httpd.conf file or a separate virtual host config file
conf文件中的 VirtualHost部分或单独的虚拟主机配置文件
The first place is in the xorg.conf config file, and the second is in the boot parameters.
第一个位置是xorg. conf配置文件,第二个位置是boot参数。
It's common that you would want to include a config file to help organize your configuration.
The launch program runs from a config file (according to strings) called /usr/sharp/etc/launch.
launch程序从一个配置文件(根据字符串)开始运行,这个文件是 /usr/sharp/etc/launch.conf;
When you write the config file for Struts or EJB, you are describing the topology of your system.
If you change your LILO config file, you have to rewrite the LILO stage one boot loader to the MBR.
This is actually a simplified version of the config file example explored in the conf file section.
This is the default class assigned to everybody as denoted in the users stanza in the config file.
Then, install the Nagios web config file in the Apache conf.d directory by typing make install-webconf.
然后,通过输入make install - webconf在Apacheconf . d目录安装Nagiosweb配置文件。
Listing 6 is the extended dwr.xml config file that includes the extra config info for remoting the Cart class.
清单6是扩展的dwr . xml配置文件,包含cart类进行远程所需要的额外配置。
You need to add this video option to the appropriate boot config file (menu.lst for GRUB or lilo.conf for LILO).
需要将这个video选项添加到适当的启动配置文件中(对于GRUB 来说是 menu.lst,对于 LILO 来说是lilo.conf)。
Listing 4 shows a small script that reads the NFS server config file of Solaris and prints it to standard output.
The format of the CherryPy Web server config file and the options you can put into it are described on this Wiki.
The grub-config-file parameter is the path to the config file to be edited. Generally you should modify menu.lst.
grub - config - file参数是要编辑的配置文件的路径。
If you plan on testing a new X config file on the plane, update the double tap entry to restart your good X server.
In the future, setting the PHP_MATH variable might be done through a config file for the PHP math library as a whole.