Where to place config files in JARs?
A list of config files installed by this package, one file per line.
A process that copies these config files to a version control repository.
Mustache can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything.
The few config files are all plain text, so you can make changes if needed.
Sometimes, you need to know where to find the config files for your new game.
System . Configuration — Contains classes for working with configuration files ( Web . config files ).
Eclipse RCP defines the concept of an entry point defined via a combination of XML and config files in a plugin.
在一个插件中,EclipseRCP通过结合XML和配置文件,定义了入口点(entry point)概念。
Keeping all the information about clients in one place is much easier than synchronizing and duplicating config files.
This function is used for loading in variables from a configuration file into the template. See config Files for more info.
Install binaries, init script, sample config files, and set permissions on the external command directory, as shown in Listing 6.
Its use for config files, remote procedure calls, object serialization, database dumps, and similar developer-oriented tasks wasn't anticipated or planned for.
Once you get a feel for AIXPert's use of XML config files for its security scripts, you'll see that the tool is a smart and simple way of hardening your AIX system.
Regardless of what method you choose to upgrade packages, you will have to devote some of your time deciding if there is anything in the new config files that you need.
Designers need support for config files, dynamic blocks and other interface issues, but they don't want to have to deal with intricacies of the PHP programming language.
While Vim users can enjoy perfection when working on code, config files, and the like, they have to settle for inferior shortcuts when using other programs - including Web browsers.
Typically you would leave this false, that way you can store sensitive data in the config files such as database parameters and not worry about the template loading them. false by default.
If you have a value that spans more than one line, enclose the entire value with triple quotes (" )." You can put comments into config files by any syntax that is not a valid config file syntax.
Config — Configuration information and message localization files.
Copy the recent deployment manager config backup files to the new server.
To support networking with RHEL5, you can either edit files, use the command line, use the network administration utility system-config-network, or use the setup command.
要在RHEL5中支持网络,您可以编辑文件,使用命令行,使用网络管理实用工具system - config - net work,或者使用setup命令。
You can tag files by adding % doc or % config to the line.
A config file defines those files and actions.
The emailMixer.pl program reads the specified config file (emailMixer.config by default) for the sound files you wish to mix, depending on the location of a keyword match.
pl 程序根据所匹配的关键字的位置,为您希望混合的声音文件读取指定的配置文件(默认情况下是 emailMixer.config)。
The config directory contains several configuration files.
Then you configured the application to support the new feed by modifying the application.xml and the struts-config-atom.xml files.
然后通过修改application .xml和struts - config - atom . xml文件对应用程序进行配置,使它支持这个新提要。
In the Program Files \ IBM \ Rational \ DOORS \ 9.2 \ interfaces \ festival-win32 \ server \ festival \ config directory, open the festival.xml file.
在ProgramFiles \IBM \Rational \DOORS \ 9.2 \interfaces \festival - win32 \server \festival \config目录之中,打开festival . xml文件。
Configuration files: faces-config and tag library (faces-config.xml).
配置文件:faces - config和标签存储库(faces - config . xml)。
Configuration files: faces-config and tag library (faces-config.xml).
配置文件:faces - config和标签存储库(faces - config . xml)。