Below are the factors that we should consider when residential landscape plant configurate.
One of the main contents of research on logistics network is to configurate the resource in network effectively, to bring every net node fully into play.
Some typical cold bed structures in bar and shape rolling workshops at home andabroad and the principle to configurate reasonably cold bed are introduced.
The feasibility to configurate relay pumps independently is also demonstrated. The paper is helpful to promote the domestic manufacture of the slurry circulation systems of slurry shields.
You can configurate the code of change needle when you digitize or punching a embroidery design, the machine will change the needle automatic as your design if you select the mode of change needle.
在带山上打出的一个代号,告知机器把针换为不同针,用不同颜色的线头进行纺织。 在打带或者车带的时候,你可形成“换针”的号码。如果你选择了“换针”模式,机器会按照你的图案自动换针。
You can configurate the code of change needle when you digitize or punching a embroidery design, the machine will change the needle automatic as your design if you select the mode of change needle.
在带山上打出的一个代号,告知机器把针换为不同针,用不同颜色的线头进行纺织。 在打带或者车带的时候,你可形成“换针”的号码。如果你选择了“换针”模式,机器会按照你的图案自动换针。