Confirm the password and click ok.
You will be asked for a password, and then to confirm the password.
Enter and confirm the password for the administrative user ID, then OK (Figure 5).
Next, type a password to protect your files and confirm the password by entering it again.
Enter the command vncserver and you will be asked to specify and confirm the password for accessing your remote desktop.
Password: type a password for this user, and then retype it in the net field to confirm.
When the command is entered, you will be prompted to enter, then confirm, the password you are setting.
To confirm an updated password in the database, you use DbUnit's Query API, which facilitates comparing database results with statically defined XML files, such as the one defined in Listing 9.
Enter and confirm a password for the new db2inst1 user in the group db2grp1 during the Instance owning-user step.
在Instance owning - user操作步骤中,在db2grp1组中创建新用户db2inst1和输入用户的密码,并确认该密码。
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Once you've read the information on the page, you have to enter your password, a captcha code and then confirm that you want to delete your account.
Once you've read the information on the page you have to enter your password a captcha code and then confirm that you want to delete your account.
In the confirm password box, confirm your password.
You will see several commands that you can choose, the command is safest to create a password to be blank. Do this by pressing the number ’1 ‘, then press’ y’ to confirm
In the Change Master password dialog, enter a new password and then confirm it by re-entering the password.
In the cross-cell single sign-on section, enter the same password you entered when the LTPA keys were exported and confirm it.
在cross - cell singlesign - on区域中,输入导出LTPA密匙时使用的密码并确认。
For Confirm keypass password, enter the key password.
对于Confirm keypasspassword,输入密钥密码。
Do you confirm that all selected password of user in table change to the present password that you set up into?
Type the new password in the new password field and the confirm new password field.
The new password and password to confirm do not match.
The password could not be changed using the information provided. Please verify that the old password is correct, and that the password and Confirm password fields match exactly.
The New Password and Confirm New Password fields do not match.
Second prompt when setting password - Now when you have the password prompt set to hide the password, it will confirm your password before accepting.
The password and Confirm password fields do not match.
On the registration page, enter your correct email and a username, create and confirm your password, and enter CAPTCHA. After the above steps are completed, click the.
Important! Please confirm that the displayed email address is the same as your registered account email, and re-enter your password.
Retype your password to confirm the spelling.
Your initial password is 666666, please change it after you log in at the first time, then confirm and fill out your information.
Please confirm that the displayed email address is the same as your registered account email, and re-enter your password.
One of the most useful features of the Call Confirm is the password protection (available only in PRO version).