When can we expect your confirmation of the order?
First, the book seller sends a confirmation of the order, along with the expected dispatch date.
Unless otherwise agreed, the prices stated in the Seller's confirmation of the order shall apply.
Otherwise, the contract comes about in accordance with, and with the contents set forth in, the confirmation of the order.
If the Purchaser has objections to the contents of the confirmation of the order, the Purchaser must object to the same within 24 hours.
Most applications where an order is being placed, and that require immediate confirmation of the order, yet fulfillment is a long-running process.
We have received your fax of March 2 and noted that you have booked our order no. 123 for 4 sets of Model 790 Machine. Our confirmation of the order will be forwarded to you in a few days.
If either remain unresolved, the customer receives confirmation of order cancellation.
The Sales Agent figures out what parts of the purchase order can be fulfilled and forms a purchase order confirmation that provides a detailed line-by-line account of the items it can provide.
To complete the book order, you need to send an E-mail confirmation as part of the order process.
One of the least predictable steps in the order-processing is sending the confirmation E-mail.
Chances are that within minutes of completing the order you received a confirmation E-mail.
At some later time, the book seller sends you a confirmation of dispatch of your order, along with a tracking number you can use to check the status of the delivery with the shipping company.
A written order confirmation by the supplier is generally not required by wurth, unless the supplier needs to change the order in terms of quantities, prices or delivery dates.
In order to handle OOS results, avoid the misusage of OOS results and insure OOS results without any approval or confirmation should not be accepted, delivered or shifted to the next procedure.
The goods will be ready for shipment 3 to 4 weeks from receipt of your written order (and confirmation of your letter of credit).
从收到你方书面订单(及对信用证予以确 认)3至 4周后货物即装运。
Kindly give us an order sheet in confirmation of the message by telephone of this morning.
We have faxed our confirmation of your order and you are requested to open the L/C as soon as possible.
After receipt of order confirmation, the seller should try to deliver the parts within the shortest time.
Seller without the prior written consent of Buyer shall not disclose information (including denial or confirmation) relative to the Purchase Order.
Please promptly after you receive confirmation with the recharge and praise in order to store the back rope of funds, thank you!
Please promptly after you receive confirmation with the recharge and praise in order to store the back rope of funds, thank you!