A positive pregnancy test soon confirmed her intuitive feelings.
The test confirmed that the two parties were a match.
Run the scenarios confirmed in Step 6 for a long time and take multiple snapshots during the test.
Positive results obtained with the kits are reported to the Health Department but are considered preliminary, and must be confirmed by a different test that requires a blood sample.
The initial positive test findings from a laboratory in Nigeria were confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in London (see previous report).
The initial positive test findings from a laboratory in Nigeria were confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in London (see previous report).
The samples were sent for laboratory analysis at the Institut Pasteur, Dakar and confirmed by YF seroneutralization, a highly specific test for yellow fever.
The results confirmed what the investigators suspected they'd find: the gay men and straight women scored about equally well in the test, and both did better than the straight men.
Once trust is confirmed (or that test has been skipped) TM1 will want to verify the CRL certificate.
确认信任(或跳过检查步骤)之后,TM 1希望检查CRL证书。
Two additional H5N1 cases were confirmed by serological testing, thus providing final H5N1 infection test results on a previously reported family cluster in Peshawar.
ACTs should be treated like precious, fragile commodities, dispensed only on the basis of a confirmed diagnostic test.
Blood specimens from the patient were laboratory tested at the Institut Pasteur DE Dakar and found to be IgM positive by ELISA and confirmed with PRNT, a more specific test.
Google has confirmed the test is taking place but only in countries where location extensions (a system to filter and target certain keyword searches) are available.
If the question becomes a test of whether he is a true conservative, many true conservatives will be confirmed in their suspicion that he is not.
In several studies, this test alerted doctors to over 90 percent of people with atrial fibrillation, as confirmed by heart monitoring.
Swine flu can only be confirmed by a lab test.
WHO considers it likely that test results on the newly announced cases will be confirmed by the UK laboratory, where samples are being sent for further analysis.
First, this past year, WHO recommended that all suspected cases of malaria be confirmed by a diagnostic test before antimalarial drugs are administered.
Chelsea Wallace, 23, of Okeechobee, Fla., was thrilled early this year when the test she took at seven weeks said she was having a boy, a result confirmed weeks later by ultrasound.
Ever since the Frenchman Alfred Binet devised the first intelligence test in 1905, study after study has confirmed the same result.
H5N1 infection was confirmed in the 38-year-old father but laboratory test results for his two daughters did not meet criteria for acute H5N1 infections.
Test results received today have confirmed her infection.
Earlier this year, WHO recommended that all suspected cases of malaria be confirmed by a diagnostic test before antimalarial drugs are administered.
A blood test confirmed that she had an advanced case of Grave's disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes the thyroid gland to swell and produce too much of the powerful hormone.
In pilot and field studies, test takers took both the existing TOEIC test and the new test. Statistical analysis of the results confirmed that the difficulty level of the two tests was equivalent.
Test results have now confirmed her infection.
Laboratory test confirmed her infection at midnight on Tuesday.
WHO recommends that all cases of suspected malaria be confirmed using parasite-based diagnostic testing (either microscopy or rapid diagnostic test) before giving treatment.
Sputum test, bacterial culture or both confirmed 269 tuberculosis cases, 174 of which were smear-positive.
Sputum test, bacterial culture or both confirmed 269 tuberculosis cases, 174 of which were smear-positive.