Of these outbreaks, 7 were confirmed by laboratory test.
The first index case of cholera, confirmed by laboratory test, was reported on 14 August 2007.
The first index case of cholera, confirmed by laboratory test, was reported from Kirkuk Governate on 14 August 2007.
The initial positive test findings from a laboratory in Nigeria were confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in London (see previous report).
The initial positive test findings from a laboratory in Nigeria were confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in London (see previous report).
The samples were sent for laboratory analysis at the Institut Pasteur, Dakar and confirmed by YF seroneutralization, a highly specific test for yellow fever.
WHO considers it likely that test results on the newly announced cases will be confirmed by the UK laboratory, where samples are being sent for further analysis.
Blood specimens from the patient were laboratory tested at the Institut Pasteur DE Dakar and found to be IgM positive by ELISA and confirmed with PRNT, a more specific test.
By epidemiology investigation, clinical diagnosis and laboratory test, confirmed that was a cat tinea epidemic from m.
According to field epidemiological investigation, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results confirmed that the incident was caused by eating undercooked beans food poisoning.
According to field epidemiological investigation, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results confirmed that the incident was caused by eating undercooked beans food poisoning.