It removes the natural conflict of interests.
There is always going to be a conflict of interests between these two goals.
If there were a conflict of interests, which side will the Civil Service really be on?
There is a certain conflict of interests, and we need to strike a balance between the two.
In the legislation and implementation of laws, the conflict of interests is a decisive factor.
Part one presents all participants in reorganization procedure and their conflict of interests.
Hence, when these two technologies are required to work together, there is a conflict of interests.
It is important to make clear arrangements with your boss at this stage, to avoid a conflict of interests.
But this often creates conflict of interests with the academic and teaching purpose of a university.
So, There is conflict of interests among the judge, the party and the jurisdiction in civil litigation.
The difference exists on account of the conflict of interests between corporate shareholders and managers.
Human beings chase interests because of their instinct. It is necessary for law to intervene in conflict of interests.
The directors' conflict of interests belongs to the scope of the directors' duty of loyalty in Anglo-American law system.
He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.
In recent years, the focus of corporate governance has shifted to the conflict of interests between the major shareholders and small shareholders.
The futures company shall try not to have conflict of interests with its clients; in the event of such conflicts, it shall ensure the clients' interests first.
Conflict of Interests - when a stakeholder ACTS as facilitator some will focus only on the issues that they find relevant as opposed to the issues raised by the team.
The essence of conflicts of rights is to fight for the relatively limited intellectual products of society, and is the conflict of interests and the adverse use of rights.
Because no one has any financial interesti in the ou , the staff of the kashruth department maintains the highest levels of integrity without any possible conflict of interests.
Then Hume further interpreted the subjective and objective circumstances of the origin of justice from the conflict of interests of human society, which is an experiential fact.
The value evaluation in criminal litigation argues the fact finders how to weigh the conflict of interests and make the choices in accordance with certain procedures and methods.
These challenges include information asymmetry, regulators, depositors and the public the conflict of interests between the banking industry and the matching of income and risk issues.
One hand Insurers expect to collect the Genetic Information of Insurant as much as possible, the other hand, Insurants want to uphold their Genetic Privacy, result as the conflict of interests.
However, the neutrality and objectivity of the system is damaged by their unavoidable conflict of interests as credit rating agencies get involved in the financial securitization over the time.
This paper selects samples of 2007-2009 annual analyst earnings forecasts of EPS, measures the impact of factors to forecast errors, focusing on conflict of interests of analysts and fund managers.
选取2007- 2009年度分析师对于上市公司每股收益的盈利预测数据,衡量预测误差的影响因素,重点考察分析师与基金经理的利益冲突对其的影响。
There is no conflict of fundamental interests among the third world countries.
Managers should make decisions that lead to overall portfolio success, even if they conflict with the best interests of a specific portfolio project.
Managers should make decisions that lead to overall portfolio success, even if they conflict with the best interests of a specific portfolio project.