Finally, the browser receives the session duration time and sets a timeout to keep the connection alive.
For example, a Web browser will only keep an HTTP connection with a server alive for a certain, pre-defined time.
Tomcat uses NIO (Non-blocking IO) to keep the connection alive without wasting the waiting threads.
Higher number of live connections allows more browsers to keep the connection alive and hence improves response times of the requests.
Since clients do not wish to be forcefully disconnected, they will automatically send a keep-alive message if the connection is inactive for the number of seconds specified by this parameter.
Keep-Alive is a request form the client to the server to keep the connection open after the response is finished for subsequent requests.
The "connection: Keep-Alive" tells the server to not close the connection, but the server has the option to keep it opened or close it, but it should reply to the client socket regarding its decision.
The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.
Keep connection alive: to keep the socket connection opened for subsequent requests to avoid reconnection time.
But you can keep a HTTP keep-alive connection open which should reduce latency significantly.
但你可以保持一个HTTPkeep - alive连接打开应显着减少延迟。
But you can keep a HTTP keep-alive connection open which should reduce latency significantly.
但你可以保持一个HTTPkeep - alive连接打开应显着减少延迟。