The conservation of charge corresponds to time symmetry, while conservation of current corresponds to space symmetry.
This paper introduces the concept of extended total space, and then we extend conservation of charge and conservation of current to general case.
This posed a conundrum for researchers working with the laser: How were they to apply the laws of conservation of charge and conservation of energy with two forms of energy output?
To take charge of works on regional conservation of water and soil; to guide and coordinate the administration and infrastructure construction of countryside water utilities.
To take charge of works on municipal conservation of water and soil; to guide and coordinate the administration and infrastructure construction of countryside water utilities.
To take charge of works on provincial conservation of water and soil; to guide and coordinate the administration and infrastructure construction of countryside water utilities.
To take charge of works on prefectural conservation of water and soil; to guide and coordinate the administration and infrastructure construction of countryside water utilities.
To take charge of works on district's conservation of water and soil; to guide and coordinate the administration and infrastructure construction of countryside water utilities.
By substituting the principle of current continuity with charge conservation, the differential equation of charge accumulation model is built.
Based on the ampere return circuit theorem, gauss theorem and charge conservation law the concrete form of displacement current is derived. The displacement current is discussed.
Shanghai Municipal Energy Conservation supervision Center shall be in charge of the routine supervision and administration over the subscription to and marketing of green electricity.
The conservation principles of charge and of flux linkages are proved mathematically, and their physical meanings are given in the paper.
Based on the ampere return circuit theorem, gauss theorem and charge conservation law the concrete form of Displacement current is derived.
We show that in the presence of high potential steps the Dirac equation has solutions which violate the principle of charge conservation.
The model involved in particle charging equation, electric field and charge conservation equation, gas conservation equations of mass and momentum, particle mass and momentum equation.
It is proved that only lepton charge is strictly conserved and the individual conservation of the lepton number of every generation of leptons hold only approximately.
In this paper, a fault diagnosis algorithm in Switched Capacitor Networks (SCNs) -fault dictionary algorithm is presented based on the principle of charge conservation.
For saving charge of transportation and prolonging conservation, fluidized bed with inert particles was used to dry the bacteria, and the activity of dried bacteria was held.
For saving charge of transportation and prolonging conservation, fluidized bed with inert particles was used to dry the bacteria, and the activity of dried bacteria was held.