The conservation tillage technology is a new-style cultivation relative to the traditional farming.
It is imperative to develop and produce the no-till seeder for the Conservation tillage technology in accordance with the promotion requirements.
Therefore, popularizing mechanization conservation tillage technology is very necessary, and also very urgent in the Hubei province, especially the hillock area.
Planting wheat without tillage after maize harvesting is a hard problem through the extension of conservation tillage technology system in the district of two crops one year in north China.
In this paper, the mechanization experiments conducted with the conservation tillage technology to plant spring wheat in cold, windy and sandy areas were evaluated and economically analyzed.
Conservation tillage (CT) has been shown as a wind and water erosion reduction technology from many years, research in developed countries.
Conservation tillage (CT) has been shown as a wind and water erosion reduction technology from many years, research in developed countries.