I have a console model with a 25-inch picture tube.
Sealing off the console model garbage transfer station completely is cities and towns life garbage gathering and the preservation and transportation dedicated device.
This is the same 'razor/razor blade' business model successfully employed in the videogame console business, where the hardware is sold at a loss and profits are made on sales of content.
To remove the security metadata associated with a cube in your cube model, use the Administration Console to do the following.
When you are finished designing your security model, you can export it to a file for import later using the Administration Console.
安全模型设计结束后,您可以将它导出到一个文件,以便稍后使用Administration Console 导入。
Business Services Subscriber Manager is a Web-based console that manages business service entitlements using an organizational enrollment and subscription model.
This example uses the same integration framework that you used through the Rails console, and it uses the same assertions model as the functional and unit testing frameworks.
Zeus' management console follows a distributed model in which each traffic manager runs an admin process.
Before you import the file containing your security model, import the file containing your cube model into the InfoSphere Warehouse control database using the Administration Console.
在导入包含安全模型的文件之前,使用Administration Console将包含多维数据集模型的文件导入InfoSphereWarehouse控制数据库。
The security model that you imported using the Administration Console affects all cube Servers that make the cubes in the security model available.
To do this, in the Application Server administrative console, click Applications => Monitor Models and make sure the model application is running.
为此,请在ApplicationServer管理控制台中单击Applications =>MonitorModels,确保模型应用程序在运行。
Sony's upcoming handheld console has been renamed the PlayStation Vita and will sell in two flavors when it releases later this year: a WiFi-only version for $249 and an AT&T 3G model for $299.
The solution: correct your console class so that the user interface portion is separated out, a la MVC, so that the model can be used for either a console program or a GUI program.
What is the model of console of the Heidelberg press?
This design model distributes control panels (HMI centric) from the actual electro-mechanical unit of each center console element.
In this article, the author introduces a new model of navigation console.
In this article, the author introduces a new model of navigation console.