An experimental system of constant volume combustion bomb with variable turbulence parameters is designed and carried out for the fundamental research of premixed turbulent combustion.
Turbulent characteristics of different frequency band in constant volume combustion bomb can be realized by changing the structure of the perforated plate and the velocity of driving motor.
In this dissertation, based on analysis for the combustion in a constant volume combustion bomb, the parameters such as combustion delay period, combustion-flame propagation have been investigated.
Combustion process of a ceramic heat insulated compound engine was experimentally studied in a constant-volume combustion bomb and a B1135 type single-cylinder diesel engine.
Using a home-made constant-volume oxygen-bomb combustion apparatus, the change of gas pressure with combustion time of coal samples in oxygen-bomb were investigated.
在自制的定容氧弹燃烧装置上, 测量了多种煤样在氧弹内燃烧期间气体压力随燃烧时间变化的关系。
Using a home-made constant-volume oxygen-bomb combustion apparatus, the change of gas pressure with combustion time of coal samples in oxygen-bomb were investigated.
在自制的定容氧弹燃烧装置上, 测量了多种煤样在氧弹内燃烧期间气体压力随燃烧时间变化的关系。