It gives you the ability to protect a resource with a defined security constraint and then define the user roles that can access the protected resource.
For this constraint, the ROLE defined in the first stanza is listed as a required ROLE for this resource.
In Stanza 3, we define a security constraint for comment.groovy which is the RESTful resource handling our AJAX services.
在第三部分中,为comment . groovy定义一个安全约束,comment . groovy是一个处理AJAX请求的rest式资源。
One constraint of this concept you must address is that all resource names of a given type of resources (instances, images, storages) of a user should be unique.
In this example, we enabled a resource constraint on the local servlet for the authorization role LocalRole.
The common resource constraint for inventory systems is a linear resource constraint which may result in high operating costs in multi-item (r, Q) inventory systems.
A mathematical model was presented, in which the highest reliability corresponding to net economic benefit was taken as the objective for the road network subject to a resource constraint.
Based on the analysis of satellite's function and payload's resource constraint, a planning and scheduling method for earth observation satellite is proposed to solve the problem in the paper.
Iron ore resource is a big constraint to China's economic growth especially to industrial growth in a short term, but still remains a strong influence for a long time in the future.
The resource and environmental pressure became a urbanization constraint in Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone.
The resource and environmental pressure became a urbanization constraint in Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone.