The constructor and destructor methods of this object do the necessary setup and cleanup.
The constructor and destructor of the queue class are responsible for the creation and destruction of the mutex, as shown in Listing 1.
To create your constructor and destructor, declare two functions, then apply the constructor and destructor function attributes to them.
The GCC developers thought of this, too, and provided the means for a main function constructor and destructor that happen to fit this need perfectly.
Figure 1 shows a constructor with two arguments of type Point and a destructor modeled for the DrawingSurface class of the sample application used here for illustration purposes.
Modeling constructor, destructor, and copy constructor.
The constructor function is invoked immediately prior to main being called; and the destructor function is called when your application exits.
constructor函数是在调用main函数之前调用的,而destructor 函数则是在应用程序退出时调用的。
Put the functionality you need in separate functions called by the destructor and the copy constructor and the assignment operator.
To manage a class with pointer members, we must define all three copy-control members: the copy constructor, assignment operator, and the destructor.
Add output statements to the constructor, destructor and copy constructor to see the effect of the Named Return Value optimization when you run the program.
Understand and master the constructor, destructor, copy constructor, default constructor and default constructor parameters, to define methods and objects of the structure and the role of withdrawal.
T need supply only a single-argument constructor and a destructor.
The function of using VC6 Debug trace constructor, destructor and member functions are executed.
The function of using VC6 Debug trace constructor, destructor and member functions are executed.