They have enormous consuming power to pursue higher level of living quality.
Associated logic and clock trees contained in a disabled module will therefore stop consuming power.
The key advance: it only takes energy to "turn the page" - once the text is set, it stops consuming power.
This invention is partilarly suitable for the expanded programme of the thermal power plant and the plant which provided the enterprises itself by using highly-consuming powers.
Although hardware stays in one place, "virtual machines" consuming processing power can jump around, even between far-flung data centres.
We'll need to drop any squeamishness about consuming genetically modified crops - unless we can tap the power of genetics, we'll never feed ourselves in a warmer world.
You can exploit this power to avoid useless and resource-consuming SQL queries sent to the database.
And the accumulative mechanism composed of market power and education determines the diversity of number quality and consuming perfection of cultural capital which exist in members of middle class.
In one second, a cell performs about 10 million energy-consuming chemical reactions, which altogether require about one picowatt (one millionth millionth of a watt) of power.
Virtualization increases the application footprint, consuming more CPU cycles, memory, and of course power.
To have a non intrusive, non power consuming way to access that data is huge.
While the tyred lift is on standby, the diesel electrical machine is still consuming extra diesel, but the track lift could repay some power to the grid while its lifting mechanisms are lowing.
However, in current main biochemical sewage treatment technology, the aeration devices are the primary energy-consuming equipments, which system costs about 50-70% of the total power consumption.
但在当前主流的生化法处理工艺中,曝气设备是其中的主要耗能设备,曝气系统电耗约占处理厂全部电耗的50- 70%。
In case of last rolling mill's velocity limited, rolling power affects power consuming index directly.
The strong power to push forward the economic growth is the consuming credit that at the same time is the serving goal of the personal credit system.
These cameras need to capture, compress, and transmit high quality images as quickly as they can without consuming precious battery power.
So it is very meaningful to optimize the assign of reduction, as to reduce power consuming index.
There are two characteristics of the economy of magical power. The first is "consuming is producing".
The hydraulic dynamometer consuming the dynamic energy of the diesel engine with water power can accurately measure the torque and the rotational speed of the diesel engine.
Power conversion within the server could be consuming more power than necessary.
The common practice to change from the pushing operation to towing, or vice versa, is both time - consuming and power - wasting, and it is hard to operate as well.
The paper introduces a data transmission method for wireless testing of oilwell underpit parameters (pressure and temperature) and low power consuming control circuits of underpit emission devices.
Not only economize fuel and some electricity but also may control the quantity of the air conditioner of power consuming effectively, air conditioner power consuming load of reducing summer.
Japan is not only an economic power, but also an energy resource consuming and importing nation in the world. Japan's oil supply has always been mainly depending on the Middle East.
The time-consuming and mundane chore of laundry could soon be banished to history, with an invention that harnesses the power of our own competitiveness.
Heat energy consuming of composite sandwich panel transmitting at large power microwave was studied.
Heat energy consuming of composite sandwich panel transmitting at large power microwave was studied.