Each of the folders can be further expanded to view an enumeration of the contained database objects.
The DB2 restore command invokes the DB2 agent contained in the database backup image, and the DB2 agent decrypts it by communicating with the security server.
DB 2恢复命令调用DB2包含在数据库备份映像中的代理,然后DB 2代理通过与安全服务器通信对其进行解密。
Triggering the client to request information from the database (2 in Figure 3) is controlled through particular keywords contained in the text entered by the user into the chat window.
In other words, all database updates are no longer contained within a single unit of work.
When an external module is specified, it is used instead of the module contained in the database backup image.
A key element in the data model is the set of statistics gathered about the data contained in the database and stored in the system catalog tables.
The difference is that it gets the value from information contained in a database.
The previous example only contained a measure that was taken from one fact table in the underlying database.
The ADMIN_COPY_SCHEMA procedure is used to copy a specific schema and all objects contained in it within the same database.
Each is contained in a different database.
One big advantage of a native XML database is that it can run queries that combine (or join, in SQL parlance) information contained in multiple XML documents.
原生XML数据库一个很大的优点是,可以运行能够将包含在多个 XML 文档中的信息组合在一起的查询(或者按SQL 的说法称为联结)。
You will use it when you convert the extracted data in the database to the new masked data with the masking definition that is contained in this file.
During a warm restore the database server is available and any data that is not contained in the dbspaces that are currently restored can be selected and updated.
We then created a page design element within the Notes database, which contained the XSLT style sheet code that would transform the XML document into an SQL statement.
The Derby database engine and JDBC driver are contained in a single jar file, derby.jar.
Derby数据库引擎和JDBC驱动程序被包含在一个jar文件中,这个文件就是 derby.jar。
In a CouchDB movies database, all information for a particular movie would be contained in a single document.
As the program crawled the various Web sites, it would build a database of the sites and pages crawled, the links each page contained, the results of analysis on each pages, and so on.
When a Domino database is stored in DB2, the information in that database is contained in tables that reside in a single DB2 grouping construct known as a schema.
当Domino数据库保存在DB 2中时,数据库中的信息包含在驻留于单个db 2群组结构的表中,该群组结构被称作模式。
The host name of the LPAR that hosts the database is configured in WebSphere and is contained as a binary entry in the transaction logs.
承载数据库的LDAP的主机名在WebSphere 中配置,并作为二进制条目包含在事务日志中。
The Tables tab lists all the tables contained within the chosen database.
The back-end weather database of weather predictions. The information contained in a weather prediction is.
The net result was when you moved a directory that contained files, the files were always removed from the database.
The SQL file contained within the archive contains scripts required for creating and populating all required database tables.
The SQL JOIN statement has long been in the toolkit of database programmers, allowing you to combine the data contained in two or more relational database tables based upon a common attribute.
Support for a local database would allow the development of DB2 databases and surrounding applications that are entirely self-contained (ship predefined lists of users and groups).
支持本地数据库将允许开发完全自包含的DB 2数据库和相关应用程序(附带预定义的用户和组列表)。
But there is ongoing demand for database-driven, self-contained applications that work straight out of the box without additional configuration or administration.
The Manager Bean wizard displays, and allows you to define keys and relationships contained in a database.
Finally, to demonstrate the self-contained nature of your new embedded Apache Derby database application, you can remove all other files.
SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine.
The Derby database classes contained in this demo are an alpha version of 10.2 and should not be used in a production environment.
本演示中包含的Derby数据库类是 10.2alpha版,不应将其用于生产环境。