As designed, Ke Center for the Contemporary Arts occupies a total floor space of 1,200 square meters.
Contemporary arts with routes in dance, drama, live arts, theatre, music, visual arts, writing and research.
Therefore, the lack of traditional culture is the most important issue that Chinese contemporary arts facing.
The necessity of pursuit high-quality of oil painting was immersed and the art market glut with contemporary arts.
Focusing on the materials as a starting point, the contemporary arts ink will provide a new look and a new experience.
He eventually founded his own advertising firm as well as a journal for contemporary arts, and he opened a gallery in Shanghai.
You own this play, now, and you'll be that much better when we do it again next month at the Ke Center for Contemporary Arts.
We hope that we can make a great contribution to Chinese contemporary arts careers as a bridge between artists and collectors.
Contemporary arts are able to communicate by crossing regions, territories and culture as the existence of contemporary cities.
In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts.
In 1957, animal behaviorist Desmond Morris organized an exhibition of chimpanzee art, including works by Congo, at London "s Institute of Contemporary Arts."
With sophisticated language and works, they are carrying on their practice and creative in contemporary arts and tell the relationship between life and severance.
After all, more and more people devote themselves to the contemporary arts, which makes people cast off from different forms of parochially traditional interests.
J-town Physical Theater & Film Lab is a grass roots group initiated by Li Ning specialized in theater (non-theater) performance, film-making and contemporary arts.
The first time I experienced Zaha Hadid's work -in 2000, at an exhibit of 20 years of her designs at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London -i had a visceral reaction.
The first time I experienced Zaha Hadid's work - in 2000, at an exhibit of 20 years of her designs at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London - I had a visceral reaction.
He is one of the artists enjoying international popularity, a great master of China's contemporary arts and one of the founders of modern arts education. founders of modern arts education.
Contemporary dance is coming onto the arts scene again after a long fallow period.
Feng Jiangzhou is an unique artist in Chinese Contemporary Art.Besides visual arts, his works are involved in electronic sound, videos, mechanical installations, etc.
And Abramovich's girlfriend, Dasha Zhukova, plans to open a world-class contemporary-arts center in a historic exhibition hall in Gorky Park next year.
Opposite of the city's Guggenheim museum, a museum of modern and contemporary art, and in walking distance to the museum of Fine Arts, the hotel is an art-lovers dream getaway.
Wushu is the Chinese term for all styles of martial arts, traditional and contemporary, external and internal.
The Lunder Arts Center at Lesley University's College of Art and Design is a combined work, juxtaposing nineteenth and twenty-first century buildings to form a contemporary nexus for the arts.
The reflection of contemporary art on this change is the appearance of various kinds of abnormal arts that reflect on the reality at emergent moments.
Feng Jiangzhou is an unique artist in Chinese Contemporary art. Besides visual arts, his works are involved in electronic sound, videos, mechanical installations, etc.
Nearby, the China Fine Arts Museum(Zhongguo meishuguan) exhibits the work of contemporary artists.
The nationalization of Chinese oil painting is an important phenomenon in the contemporary history of Chinese arts.
This has formed the unique pluralistic cultural scene of contemporary China, and the visual arts of China in the new century can thus keep its unique position.
In contemporary language context, the aesthetic modernity study of Chinese literature and arts is an important theoretical issue.
The Glastonbury festival, is a British performing arts festival, best known for its contemporary music, but also for dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret and many other arts.