In the main content pane, select JmsTestEAR.
In the main content pane, click the New button (Figure 10).
This displays the JMS server properties in the content pane.
In the main content pane, under Destinations, select the JMS queue link.
In the main content pane, select the TestBus link from the list of buses.
In the main content pane, click the New JSSE repertoire button (Figure 3).
This displays the properties of the Application Server in the content pane.
It is important to communicate which content pane is currently being viewed.
Well, sometimes you actually do need to directly manipulate the content pane.
While the content pane still exists, you almost never need to work with it directly.
This will open a new TAB in the content pane showing all the details you entered.
这会在内容面板(content pane)中打开一个新的标签页,显示你输入的所有细节。
In the main content pane, select the server1 link from the list of application servers.
在主内容窗格中,从应用服务器列表中选择server 1链接。
Before exploring how not to use a content pane, let's first look at what it is and why one exists.
Such elements are added to the container, and the content pane takes care of child additions only.
Use content Assist (Ctrl + Spacebar) to add a region attribute within the tag of each content pane.
在每个内容窗格的标签中,利用ContentAssist (Ctrl +Spacebar)添加一个区域属性。
The last content pane will contain Dojo buttons that enable a user to act on a selected item in the grid.
Note that this tool will only search through text that is expanded (that is, visible in the content pane).
Listing 3 shows the code developed for the top content pane, which will contain a heading and instructions.
For convenience, I begin by creating two local variables to hold the frame's content pane and the JTabbedPane.
It is this content pane that you use to set the layout manager and add components to, as shown in Figure 1.
If a child isn't visible in the container's visible area due to scroll bars, it still exists in the content pane.
Prior to the 5.0 release, you just always had to remember to get the content pane first, before doing much of anything.
Instead, you had to get the frame's content pane and work with that instead. The general flow of things is shown in Listing 1.
It's a powerful way to add interesting and relevant features, and the code can be added to a simple content pane within Drupal.
The content pane will usually show the text of your review, but can also contain additional tabs for results, figures, etc.
内容面板(content pane)通常显示综述的文本,但是也包括额外的标签页,如结果、图像等。
The content pane itself isn't too difficult to work with, but one didn't always remember to deal directly with the content pane.
It is important to point out that the content pane hasn't been removed from the framework, just that you typically don't need to deal with it directly.
The next content pane will use a Dojo grid to display the list of back order items that may be ordered from a supplier. To develop this, follow these steps.
Therefore, a child added to a container is not placed in the local-coordinate system of a container, but in its content pane, which has its own coordinate system.
Each top-level container has a content pane that, generally speaking, contains (directly or indirectly) the visible components in that top-level container's GUI.