Research on Query Feature Context Aware Information Retrieval Model;
Probably the most useful enhancement relating to this functionality is that the paste operation is context aware.
Spring Roo framework provides a command line shell with TAB completion, context aware operations and command hinting features.
At last, according to the requirement of mobile application, a middleware infrastructure based on context aware was presented.
In the emergency management for public incidents, it is a impossible problem how to improve the capacity of context aware and determine the grade of risk.
The context aware computing provides information and knowledge for each entity to decide what to do, and let the whole ITS to achieve intelligent transporting.
Oh, did we mention Expono's context aware media RSS that allows users to enter a URL into your Wii Opera browser URL field, run it fullscreen and watch a slideshow on your TV?
Clustering together documents in a context aware method enables you to choose to focus on specific clusters and stories without needing to wade through a lot of unrelated ones.
This paper introduced wearable computer and wearable computing technology. It mainly analyzed context aware technology of wearable computing and illustrated an application of that.
Based on traditional design model, an application design model of ubiquitous computing is introduced. Service oriented computing and context aware computing was integrated to form this design model.
Your translation testers are aware of the relative negative impact of a translation defect in the context of their culture; use them to help prioritize reported problems.
Although they may have a narrow view of the programs' design, 5 they are usually well aware of the business context and business relevance of the software.
Fragments that are retrieved from a cache to be aggregated into a portal page then need to be made aware of the current page context.
The process description can assume that the reader is aware of the context in which the process is explained.
the viability of using automation for decision-making is dependent on the context - a fact of which frighteningly few IT-system designers seem to be aware
Be aware that only inline human tasks have access to the process context.
Be aware that the transaction coordination context is part of each message, even messages between applications and messages from applications to the database service.
With XSD, enumerations are static and, therefore, cannot be made context-aware.
Be aware that this is the reason for the restricted number of multi-value context variables.
Be aware that when a staff resolution result is refreshed, updates to the context variable values are not considered, but the initial values are re-used.
One of the nice things about code completions in Eclipse is that they are aware of their context.
Apps that are aware of the context in which they are being used will serve up better filtered information.
In this case, a J2EE context-aware Executor (ContextExecutor) can be used to attach the current J2EE context to the Runnable prior to execution.
This article shows how you can use WebSphere Portal to provide a more dynamic, agile, intelligent, and context-aware user interface called a contextual portal.
A great example of how context-aware gaming can add considerable value to a game is ONE, an award winning First Party title for N-Gage.
背景感知为游戏带来客观价值的绝佳例子就是ONE, N -Gage上的第一方获奖游戏。
We should always be aware of a possibly larger context into which one's results could be applied.
The middleware supporting context-aware application is the important platform under the pervasive computing environment.
In this paper, we introduce context modeling, an important part of context-aware computing, also analyze and compare the existing models.
In this paper, we introduce context modeling, an important part of context-aware computing, also analyze and compare the existing models.