Download and install a continuous integration server.
CruiseControl 2.7.3 is used as the continuous integration server.
Build.xml file that will be run by the continuous integration server.
CruiseControl: Download the CruiseControl Continuous Integration Server.
Listing 1 shows the directory structure for the continuous integration server.
In Part 2, you will see how to run these unit test cases in a continuous integration server.
This is required so that the continuous integration server can build and test the SCA module.
This article covers only the build applications process using a continuous integration server.
This server must be accessible by all team members as well as the continuous integration server.
It also helps keep things consistent if you are using a Continuous Integration server such as CruiseControl.
Before setting up the continuous integration server, make sure that WebSphere Process server V6.1 is running.
With this continuous integration server, you learned how to poll the CVS repository for changes to the SOA applications.
ThoughtWorks has released a new version of CruiseControl.NET, the popular continuous integration server for .NET projects.
ThoughtWorks发布了新版的 CruiseControl.NET,这是一个流行的.NET项目持续集成服务器。
A third option is to create a new build option for your continuous integration server that includes a push to production step.
You can test your service and commit the changes, then let the continuous integration server run all of the tests on other services.
This first build server will also be your continuous integration server. It is the one that ensures that every single check-in can be built.
Once in CVS then the continuous integration server can check the projects out whenever there is a change, run the build, and execute the tests.
For example, your team might need to improve code coverage by the unit tests or reduce the build time on the continuous integration server.
An instance of WebSphere Process server is required to deploy the SCA module and run the test cases as directed by the continuous integration server.
Start the continuous integration server: The continuous integration server is started so that it can poll the repository for changes to the application.
启动持续集成服务器: 启动持续集成服务器,以使其能够轮询存储库中的应用程序更改。
The \projects directory contains a subdirectory for each project that is to be built by the continuous integration server. Each of those subdirectories contains
We've then installed and set up the Hudson continuous integration server, and we've created a Hudson job that USES the build utility to finally produce the EAR file.
Using this central repository, team members will check in their SCA components and test cases, and the continuous integration server will check them out to do the builds.
Start WebSphere Process server: WebSphere Process server V6.1 is started so that it can deploy the application and run the tests on behalf of the continuous integration server.
将应用程序签入存储库:启动WebSphereProcessServer V6.1,以使其能够部署该应用程序并代表持续集成服务器运行测试。
A continuous integration server will automatically retrieve source code from the repository, compile, test, package and install it, signaling any errors that appear during the process.
A Continuous Integration server constantly checks the code out of source control, builds it, runs the unit tests against it, and reports any build failures to the developers, usually via E-mail.
Perform steps b through d for each project, then all files will be uploaded to the CVS repository, and the sample application will be available for check out by the continuous integration server.
Obviously, a user can enter the command, but because it's so terse, it can be easily run by a headless process, such as a Continuous Integration or build-management server.
A Continuous Integration environment requires an automated build tool, a code repository, and a CI server.
Before I conclude, I should make a couple of points about the security issues that are involved in configuring and running your own continuous-integration server.