The European soccer economy is quite different from that of American sports with their carefully regulated trades and salary caps. The right to contract players can be bought and sold.
The European soccer economy is quite different from that of American sports with its carefully regulated trades and salary caps. The right to contract players can be bought and sold.
Indeed, the value of attention can be monetized, and a contract requiring someone to pay attention (by, say, giving a speech or appearing at a photo opportunity) can be bought and sold.
This seems very similar to the situation last year with Sam Cassell, who made no bones about his desire to be bought out of his contract by the Clippers so that he could sign with Boston.
According to statistics, China has already bought 337 airplanes; this month we sign a contract of 30 planes and 20 planes of intention agreement.
Any kind of property may be acquired and transferred, or bought and sold by contract.
Any kind of property may be acquired and transferred, or bought and sold by contract.