As to sea image, the variance feature of region of interest and the luminance contrast feature between target and background are used to fusion recognition.
The operating range for extended target is calculated by considering of the target finding ability of eyes, contrast of target luminance, discrimination level and detection probability.
There are interactions in the effects of VDT luminance contrast and screen luminance on operator's visual performance.
Here, it is investigated how the new method reacts to a difference in average luminance and contrast of the left and the right image, caused by a gain difference in the left and the right camera.
In feature extraction, a new "blemish" model is proposed, which takes several features into account, such as the contrast, area, location, outline, shape and the luminance uniformity of the object.
Object: to evaluate mesopic contrast threshold under 3 kinds of background and to explore the effect of adaptation time, adaptation luminance and glare on contrast threshold of humans eye.
This paper presents a series of human factor studies that aim to provide a basic framework of luminance, contrast ratio and amplitude resolution and their interaction.
This paper presents a series of human factor studies that aim to provide a basic framework of luminance, contrast ratio and amplitude resolution and their interaction.