As mentioned earlier, there is a special mechanism for portlets for the contributed value of the cache expiration.
Property taxes are assessed on market value, and if developed, the land would have contributed significantly to the county's overall annual tax revenue.
Many Banks have argued that this is unfair, as those same assets will recover their value in the long term, and marking them down has, they claim, contributed to the current crisis of confidence.
If no value for either cache expiration or cache scope is contributed by the portlet window, the value from the portlet definition will then be used as the contributing value of the portlet.
The next section discusses the default behavior that can occur if a value is not contributed by a component.
Calculating an item's value is based on analysis of the development costs, the maintenance costs, the estimated replacement costs, and the annual business value contributed by that item.
Engaging with the Bank has contributed to raising awareness about the historic and cultural value of the ancient mud buildings that are over 100 years old.
The cache scope contributed by the portlet window always has precedence over the value contributed by the portlet definition, regardless of which is the higher or lower value.
Portlet窗口提供的缓存作用域始终优先于 Portlet定义所提供的值,而不考虑二者的相对大小。
The values contributed by the portlet window always have precedence over the value contributed by the portlet definition.
Portlet窗口提供的值始终优先于 Portlet定义提供的值。
The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below par.
Perhaps its enumerated Vu Thi counts of great documentary value, in the final nail in the history of the Vu Thi contributed shame.
Book value is an accounting concept, recording the accumulated financial input from both contributed capital and retained earnings.
The ecosystem services value presented an increasing trend, from 344.85 billion Yuan increased to 485.11 billion Yuan. Grassland and water area contributed most to the total ecological services value.
People's attitudes towards life, value standards and demand for beauty have contributed to pluralism of murals.
Doubts about the value and health of Fannie and Freddie debt securities held by policy Banks and major financial institutions throughout the world have contributed to drops in global markets.
The amount of industrial property or non-patented technology contributed as capital based on its appraised value may not exceed twenty per cent of the registered capital of a company.
That's the most James Young has contributed towards winning an NBA game during his career. Great for him. Time to trade him while his value is "high"?
Studies the correlation between Social Value Contributed and net profit, but the relationship is not strong.
This group generally do well in IQ test, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West.
Capital interest "means the fair market value, as of the date contributed, of a member's capital contribution, whether or not returned to the member."
Capital interest "means the fair market value, as of the date contributed, of a member's capital contribution, whether or not returned to the member."